Occupational wellness encompasses satisfaction and meaning from your work. Given the amount of time you spend at work, finding fulfillment is an important contributing factor to your overall mental health and wellness, it’s critical that you have a healthy outlook about your occupation.
Intellectual Wellness: Putting Your Mind to Good Use
As we continue to look at the dimensions that are accumulatively building a holistic approach to mental health and wellness, it is intuitive that intellectual wellness would play an integral part.
How Financial Health is Linked to Mental Health & Well-Being
Financial well-being is an important dimension in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness particularly since financial stress is linked to poor physical and mental health. If you are worried about finances, you are not alone.
Promoting Mental Well-Being Through Your Environment
Experiencing environmental well-being is both nature and nurture, the experience of the outdoors as well as the environments which we create and interact with. Our thoughts, our emotions, and ultimately our sense of self and well-being are intimately tied to our surroundings.
6 Tips for Maintaining Emotional Well-Being in a Pandemic
Emotional well-being is the bedrock of all other dimensions of the 8 Wheels of Wellness. Without good emotional health, there is very little to build on. It is important now more than ever to take note of your emotional well-being.
8 Dimensions of Wellness: How Balanced Is Your Life?
The concept of a holistic approach to mental health and wellness has been growing in popularity over the last several years with research and evidence showing the correlation between the state of our mental health and its impact on our well-being physically, spiritually and emotionally.