Waking Up

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Waking Up

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Health & Wellness | 0 comments

The crash came hard and it came fast. Slumping over in the restaurant, my husband thought I was having a stroke. I could see and I could hear but I couldn’t move. I felt as if I was floating; drifting off into the unknown. I didn’t know if I would come back nor did I frankly care at that point. I was too exhausted to care. The numbness had set in and my body simply went to sleep. It was as terrifying as it was liberating. I could finally just rest. No more phone calls to answer, emails to reply to, problems to solve or requests to fulfill. I just allowed myself to float.


After an ambulance ride, numerous tests, a trip to my doctor and resigning from my job – the diagnosis was burnout! My central nervous system was shot. I was living very disconnected from myself allowing multi-tasking, busyness and over functioning in stress to take over – to be my driver. For years I had thought I lived fully engaged, fully present but what I realized was, but I had lost sight of myself,  doing life without true connection to my heart. I was just sort of going through the motions.  

Burnout was a wake up call! It was an invitation to learn the process of connecting with my heart. It taught me the value of rest.  As I learned to listen to my heart, which is the center of “where all issues flow”, I was able to make better decisions from a place of wisdom and discernment, dream into my passions and desires; discovering my true self, the person that God created me to be. 

Learning to value my heart opened the doors to a greater connection with God. As I learned to honor my heart, value what it was feeling, I felt God’s love and compassion. Divine by Design counseling was birthed from a desire to help people connect to their heart, living fully alive, discovering their true self. 

Are you experiencing burnout? Are there places in your heart where you feel a disconnect with yourself, God and others? Contact Divine by Design counseling for an appointment and let us walk with you through your journey of healing.

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