Divine by Design

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Divine by Design

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Health & Wellness | 0 comments

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are as simplistic as you are complex. Discovering the divine in you requires that you come face-to-face with who you were created to be, not do, but be. You are God’s idea. He created you with intentionality and purpose, depositing in your heart specific characteristics that correlate with your passions and desires. You are created in God’s image. You are innately wired for connection, for love, joy and for peace. Discovering the divine in you is an invitational journey to explore, discover, dream and pursue. To come to a place of self-acceptance, face-to-face with the innate beauty of connection, love, peace and joy that is inside of you. 

Some of you are reading this and it is resonating big time. Others of you are reading this and it is a foreign concept, something you are not able to wrap your mind around. Your life has been mired in pain and trauma, lacking tools or skills to dig yourself out. Your life feels the very opposite of living from your true self – your divine design, experiencing a lack of self-acceptance, never reaching your self-imposed standard listening to your harsh inner critic. You have been living in this for so long, it has become your norm not realizing your internal reality becomes your external reality. If you reject yourself you will experience rejection all around and the cycle continues.  

That my friend is what unresolved trauma and pain creates. It stunts your emotional growth and ability to mature. Unresolved pain and trauma lead to brokenness of the heart and can manifest itself through insecurity, fear and anxiety, self-hatred, bitterness and jealousy, control and manipulation, perfectionism, worry, numbness, distant connection to God or others or difficulty staying in the present moment. 

Having an awareness and learning to properly and thoroughly identify your wounds are the first steps in your journey toward wholeness. What have you normalized? Are you overreacting, having knee-jerk reactions, rage from nowhere, self-sabotaging tactics or relationships ending in destruction? 

Divine by Design counseling walks with you in your journey of healing, creating safe spaces for you to identify your wounds and come face-to-face with the broken places in your heart.

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