
Heal & Repair: Learning to Securely Attach (Part 3 of 4)

Heal & Repair: Learning to Securely Attach (Part 3 of 4)

Belonging! We have all experienced that ache in our soul when we find ourselves in situations or seasons in our life where we feel like we don’t belong. We feel it when we are in a crowd of people and our old wounds of our insecure attachment creep in leaving us with the thought of “what am I doing here, no one wants to be with me.”

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Insecure Attachments: Identifying Your Style (Part 2 of 4)

Insecure Attachments: Identifying Your Style (Part 2 of 4)

Being aware of your current attachment style is important so that you can be intentional about how you are connecting with others and what is working well and what is not. You can have more than one style but generally have a pattern of attachment with most of your intimate relationships. Do not despair, you can heal and repair from insecure attachment styles.

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Secure Attachment : Relationship Game Changer (Part 1 of 4)

Secure Attachment : Relationship Game Changer (Part 1 of 4)

As you age, you develop your own attachment style based largely on the attachment behaviors you learned as a child. It’s not uncommon for children to grow up with insufficient personal attention suffering from a lack of emotional nurture, perhaps for their entire lives. Being bonded with a loving person is a need like food and water. Often those of us who have been emotionally malnourished as children minimize or deny this.

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